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    Bentinckstraat 23
    2582 SR Den Haag


    Ellen de Jong

    070 – 331 93 89

    Louis Crijns

    070 – 331 93 88


    Public transport:

    From the stations The Hague Hollands Spoor and Den Haag Centraal station, take tram 17 towards Statenkwartier, get off at the Statenlaan stop. Turn right onto Frederik Hendriklaan, turn right at Albert Hein onto Bentinckstraat.

    Bus 28 stops at the WorldForum / Europol. Via the Prins Mauritslaan you turn left into the Van Bleiswijkstraat and right into the Bentinckstraat.

    Own transport:

    Paid parking applies in the Statenkwartier from 13:00 to 24:00, seven days a week.

    The rate is approximately € 2 per hour. The rate that applies is stated on the parking machines.

    The nearest vending machines are on the corner of Van Bleijswijkstraat and Prins Mauritslaan (near the church), and at the corner of Van Bleijswijkstraat and Van Weede van Dijkveldstraat.

    Schermafbeelding 2020-07-22 om 09.43.07